Monday, February 21, 2011

Invisible Creature (artist post)

Brothers Don and Ryan Clark make up Invisible Creature, a design studio based in Seattle. Growing up they had a dual passion for music and art. They formed a metal band, and being successful in the music scene proved to be a solid foundation for thier graphic art career. They founded Asterik studio, which they departed from five years later to start Invisible Creature, which is run by just the two of them.

They are drawn to print design and illustration, and they typically use the Adobe Creative Suite to bring thier visions to life. They often start thier creative process with a sketch and then refine it until they are satisfied. Their work can be seen on album art, band posters, magazine covers, Target gift card packaging, logos, and much more. They are wildly successful and have received four Grammy nominations.

I was interested in learning more about Invisible Creature after reading my "Gig Posters" book, which had work by Don and Ryan Clark that caught my eye. I love how each of thier pieces takes you to another world, and each character has a personality that jumps off the page. The scenes that play out make me wish I could live in thier imagination for a day. When they make posters for bands, they create an alternate universe that reveals the group's sound. I admire what they do so much, and I aspire to someday convey such creativity so seamlessly in my own work.


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